Designing the inside layout of your sunroom


Having a sunroom takes your homes livability to the next level — the extra space can be transformed time and time again as your needs and interests change. In order to maximize the usability of this space, youll want to be thoughtful about the layout that best works for you and your space. Here are some things to consider when deciding what your sunrooms layout will be. 


Have a complete picture of the sunroom space


Whether your sunroom is brand new to you or youre taking a moment to reimagine the space, take a moment to inventory the room. Make sure you have the correct measurements for all the rooms areas and consider where the light falls at different times of the day throughout the year. Youd be surprised how many people dive into deciding a rooms arrangement without first having all of the correct information. 


Decide on the use of your sunroom


Another early step in determining your rooms layout is to decide what the rooms function will be. This may seem obvious, but its not unheard of for homeowners to fill a space in their home with furniture they like without really considering how they plan to use it. Will the primary use of the room be for entertainment? Will the room be used as an office and reading area? Do you plan to use the space for hobbies or want an area for children to play? Thinking through all these things will help you immensely when deciding the layout. You dont want to be moving furniture every day because its in the way of doing your morning yoga! 


Let design follow function in your room


Having decided on a primary use of the room, the next thing to do is to make furniture and decoration choices that follow that function. For example, if you plan to do yoga in your sunroom every morning, leave enough open space to accommodate that. If the sunroom will become a dedicated office, decide on a desk, and position it in the best place in the room based on natural lighting. If entertaining is your main objective, you can choose to create a comfortable seating area, add a dartboard, or put in a pool table. As youve done the work of taking inventory and then deciding the use of the space, youve likely had ideas for how that will play out. Now, have fun with it! 

The fun part about having a sunroom is deciding how youll use all the extra space and make plans for the amplified natural light. Taking a little bit of time to decide your rooms layout will go a long way in maximizing your sunrooms enjoyment. 

If you have any questions about adding a sunroom or solarium to your home or if you’re looking to become a dealer call the experts at (800) 810-7666. Global Solarium has been providing excellent dealer service in the Portland OR,  Los Angeles CA, – Sacramento CA,– San Jose CA, – San Francisco CA, – Salt Lake City UT, – Seattle WA, and Spokane WA areas.